Patent Search

A patent search is a systematic investigation to find existing patents and other published information (known as "prior art") that might be related to your invention. It's a crucial step before filing a patent application for several reasons:

What are the Benefits of Doing a Patent Search?

  • To check if anyone else has already patented the idea
  • First step towards patent registration

Process of Searching for a Patent

Step 1: Share requirements + documents
Share your requirements and the list of documents mentioned below


Step 2: Execution of NDA

A non-disclosure agreement would be executed before disclosing the patent


Step 3: Share details and documents

All the details and documents about the invention have to be shared with us.


Step 4: Patent search

Our team will do a patent search in the patent library.


Step 5: Preparation of search report

We shall prepare a detailed report based on the patent search.


Step 6: Share the search report
Upon successful completion, we will share the search report with you.


Documents Required for Patent Search

  • Patent Specification
  • Any supporting documents related to the invention.

Key Deliverables

  • Patent search report

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  • Experienced professionals

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  • Defined process

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  • Cost Effective

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